The Methodist Conference meets annually with representatives from each Methodist district, along with some who have been elected by the Conference. There is a mixture of church members and ministers. The Conference agrees policy for the Methodist Church.
Methodists belong to local churches but also feel part of a larger connected community, historically called the Connexion. This sense of being connected makes a difference to how the Methodist Church structured. At its heart is an understanding of the Christian community as the 'body of Christ'. Just as a human body contains different limbs and organs that depend on each other, so we should be close and caring enough to look after each other. We should put the good of the whole before our own individual needs.
The District is made up of one or more Circuits (see below). It advances the mission of the Church in a region by providing support for churches. Our circuit sits within the Yorkshire North and East Methodist District
The circuit is a group of churches. Our Wolds Edge Methodist Church is one church on severals sites in the local area, and is part of the Bridge Circuit.
Congregations manage their own affairs through volunteers and attend worship services. They provide support for each other as Christians and also seek to serve and be part of their local communities.

All We Can is an international development and emergency relief organisation. Focusing on those in greatest need, it is inspired by Christian principles, and is an integral part of the Methodist family.All We Can helps find solutions to poverty by engaging with local people and organisations in some of the world’s poorest communities to end the suffering caused by inequality and injustice.

Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA) is an award-winning charity providing care, accommodation and support services for over 18,000 older people throughout the UK. It is one of the most well-respected care providers in the sector and amongst the largest charities in Britain, providing services to older people for 75 years. MHA’s aim is to eliminate isolation and loneliness among older people by connecting them in communities that care.

Action for Children is a UK children's charity committed to helping vulnerable children and young people, and their families, throughout the UK. The charity's 7,000 staff and volunteers operate over 475 services in the UK, improving the lives of 387,000 children, young people and families in 2018/19. Action for Children supports people in areas as diverse as disability respite therapy, foster care, adoption and child neglect.