It is my great privilege to follow The Reverend Neville Simpson as minister to the newly formed Wolds Edge Methodist Church. We are one church, but meet on several sites. All our sites are listed on this website, and you will find information about them all, including what’s happening where! You will find a warm welcome whichever site you choose to go to!
If you would like to know what to expect on Sundays click here or contact me or the circuit administrator for more information.
Grace & Peace,
Rev Ann Lett
Wolds Edge Methodist Church meets on a number of sites, as listed below. See the weekly plan of services at the foot of this page, and get in touch with the contacts below for more details:
Bubwith (monthly MONDAY 2pm meeting at All Saints Bubwith) 01757 288319
Holme on Spalding Moor (9.30am weekly) 07740 282665
Melbourne (9.30am weekly) 01759 318918
Newton (9.30am monthly) 01904 607295
Pocklington (11am weekly) 07812 414812
Sancton (10am weekly) 01430 827283
St John’s, Market Weighton (11am weekly) 07835 318089
Join our Zoom worship; Thursday 9.30am & Sunday 6pm. Contact [email protected] for login details.
See ‘Our Sunday Service-Worship at Home’ tab at the foot of this page for worship sheets
See 'Connected-Newsletter' tab at the foot of this page for our latest news
We're having an Afternoon Tea at WEMC @ Melbourne on 25th September between 2pm and 4pm.
There will be a cake stall and games.
All funds raised will be donated to MacMillian Cancer Support.
Please do come and support this worthy cause.
The desk in my office faces the window looking out onto my front garden. Over the past couple of months, it’s been lovely watching the birds pulling up bits of moss out of the grass, I presume to line their nests. During school holidays, I can hear children playing outside – what a delight to hear youngsters enjoying themselves. However, now as I look out, all I see are dark grey clouds! Where’s the sun?
So far, we could probably count on one hand how many sunny days we’ve had. There’s nothing like a bit of sunshine to make us feel better about what we face day to day. But what do we do on the dark, grey days. Well, there is another Son we can look upon. We can turn our faces toward Jesus, who journeys through life alongside us, even though we might not recognise it.
Easter and Christmas are often the seasons we focus on Jesus, but I believe he’s worth focussing on at other times of the year too. I find myself being reminded just how important it is to deliberately put myself into His presence. I’m sure we can all testify as to how life can be fast and furious, which is probably why we look forward to a time of rest and recuperation in the summer months. Holidays are a great time to rest, be with those we love, to take time out to do things we really enjoy doing, but I find, taking time out to be with the Lord, can be a bit like having a ‘mini-break’. It gives me time to re-set my thoughts and have a gentle recharge.
Whatever you are doing during the coming summer months, it is my prayer that you have some time to just be. May you all find that moment refreshing, and wherever you go, may you travel, and return, safely.
Grace and Peace to you all
Revd Ann